IT GiRL is a multimedia installation interrogating the body as object and commodity while imagining a virtual personification of ideals of the feminist form. The main channel projected women’s bodies on life-size mannequins used in fashion and retail display, highlighting the disparities between the female body and its standardization in the fashion industry. The moving bodies animate the plastic form as they are projected onto the mannequin, giving new life to this communal imaginary of the female body. Another channel shows a knife taken to various fruits to pose an organic, juicy contrast to the stoic women in the main channel and to conjure some allusions of fertility. The projection on the far right shows performance by myself and another performance artist as we interact with a mannequin; I am to take its place, to meld with it, while the other performer engages in sexual contact with the plastic body. The mannequin becomes a stand-in for the idea of embodiment and womanhood. Bodies of plastic and flesh.


Exhibition flyer  Digital image collage

Exhibition flyer
Digital image collage


American Woman (2019)
Digital image collage


Plastic Flesh (2019)
Digital video installation with four channels of video, mannequin, clothing, wardrobe rack, fruits, and white sheet.

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Installation view


Womb (2019)
Found materials; display box, cotton fabric and ceramic fetus
9” x 6”

This work symbolizes the objectification of the female body by recreating the environment of womb inside a display box. The work imagines a way in which the fetus could be completely separated from the mother, commenting on how anti-abortion arguments devalue a pregnant mother's autonomy. The aim is to criticize anti-abortion conservatives who sanctify female fertility while they create circumstances that make it difficult for women to access reproductive care.


Battle of the Virtual Self (2020)
Expanding on themes presented in IT GiRL, this video investigates the networks of connections between our every day selves and our carefully crafted digital projections.