
Double Exposure,

a seventy-page collection of polaroids, rejects the history of straight photography in favor of an aesthetic which more closely represents the processes and products of human memory. I use double exposure to recreate the experience of montage and simultaneity as if seeing through the mind’s eye. Some areas of the image are flooded with information, others are mixed and unclear, while still others are so repetitive they become blurred. In this way, my aim is to capture the feeling of a place and to document its essence, rather than its exact likeness.



I traveled cross-country from San Diego, CA to Atlanta, GA, taking the I-10E through the desert of the Southwest into the Deep South. The collection tracks this journey in both a physical and psychological space as I was exposed to parts of the country then unknown to me. Each image is a double exposure of the same site. If the purpose of personal photography is to create memories for keeping, these dual images construct composite memories, giving form to the ways in which we remember.



Digital decay 2 (2022)

Video, sound, custom software created in Max/MSP Jitter
Expanding the ideas about memory presented in Double Exposure into the digital context, this recorded video and audio mixing performance blends the same collection of Polaroid photographs using jitter matrix operations. The result is a stunning digital decay as the visual elements devour detail and spread into each other. The sound is generated using waveform synthesis in reaction to color changes in the video matrix.


AR Polaroid (2022)
Polaroid in its cartridge, augmented reality
3.5 x 3 x 3/4”
Augmented Reality superimposes digital video and sound over a real Polaroid with free mobile app Artivive.


Memory quilt (2022)
Polaroids, chain rings
32” x 18”